Check Company Name Availability

company name availability
Learn how to check company name availability in India, ensuring a unique and legally compliant business name. Understand the importance of conducting a thorough company name search with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), avoid legal disputes, and discover the steps to secure your desired name using the Reserve Unique Name (RUN) service.

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Choosing the right company name is a pivotal step when establishing a business in India, as it forms the cornerstone of your brand’s identity. A distinctive, memorable name that resonates with your target audience can significantly enhance your brand’s visibility and appeal. It’s not just about making a lasting impression; a well-chosen company name can also draw more attention and interest from potential customers. Moreover, securing your company name is the foundational step in the Company Registration Process.

Company Name Search

A company name search is a process used to verify if a proposed name for a new company is unique and not already in use or registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). This MCA check company name helps ensure that the chosen name does not infringe on existing trademarks, is not misleadingly similar to existing company names, and complies with the legal requirements and guidelines set by the governing bodies.

A company name search aims to prevent legal disputes related to trademark infringement or name duplication, ensure clarity in the marketplace, and uphold the integrity of the business environment. It’s an essential step in the company registration process, helping entrepreneurs ensure their business identity is distinct and legally sound, laying a solid foundation for their brand in the competitive market.

Importance of Company Name Search

The importance of a company name check cannot be overstated, as it plays a crucial role in establishing a business’s identity and legal standing. Here are some key reasons for conducting a thorough company name search:

  • Legal Compliance: A company name search ensures that the chosen name adheres to the legal guidelines and regulations set by the governing body, such as the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) in India. It helps in avoiding names that are prohibited or restricted under the law.
  • Uniqueness: The search verifies that the proposed name is not identical or overly similar to any existing business names or trademarks. This uniqueness is crucial for establishing a distinct brand identity in the market.
  • Avoiding Infringement: By ensuring that the chosen name does not infringe on existing trademarks, the search protects the business from potential legal disputes, infringement claims, and the associated financial and reputational damages.
  • Brand Image and Reputation: A unique and compliant company name contributes to a positive brand image and reputation. It helps build trust and credibility with customers, investors, and other stakeholders.
  • Market Positioning: A well-chosen name, verified through an MCA check company name process, can effectively reflect the company’s values, services, and industry, aiding in strategic market positioning and marketing efforts.
  • Future Expansions: A thorough name search considers potential future expansions and diversifications, ensuring that the name remains relevant and unrestrictive as the business grows.
  • Digital Presence: In today’s digital age, having a unique company name also facilitates easier domain name registration for your business’s online presence, which is vital for digital marketing and e-commerce.

Overall, a company name check is a foundational step in the business setup process, ensuring the company’s name is legally sound, market-ready, and poised for success. Using our company name availability checker tool is helpful to simplify the company name searching process.

Access a Comprehensive Business Name Search Report

This report is an essential tool for entrepreneurs and business owners who are in the process of naming their businesses. It provides an in-depth analysis by checking the proposed business name against the MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) database and the Trademark Database, ensuring that your chosen name is not unique but also legally compliant.

After placing a request for the Business Name Search Report, kindly allow up to 4 hours for our team to contact you. They will then prepare and send the report, providing you with the necessary insights to choose a business name that is both distinctive and legally sound.

Regulation of Company Names in India

The primary legal framework for registering and managing companies in India is the Companies Act 2013. This Act outlines the criteria for selecting and officially registering a company name, focusing on the following key points:

  • Uniqueness: The chosen name must not be identical or too similar to any pre-existing company names and must avoid confusion with established trademarks or business entities.
  • Restricted Names: The Act bars the use of specific names, including those that could be deemed offensive, deceptive, or in violation of societal norms.
  • Review and Approval: The Registrar of Companies (RoC) is responsible for reviewing and approving company names. The RoC checks for the name’s availability and ensures it meets all legal requirements before approval.

Guidelines for Naming Various Business Entities in India

India’s regulatory framework specifies distinct naming conventions for various business structures. Here are the critical naming guidelines based on the business entity you’re establishing:

When naming your business in India, follow these straightforward guidelines based on your entity type:

  • Private Limited Companies should have “Private Limited” at the end of their names.
  • One-person companies (OPC) must include “OPC Private Limited” in their names.
  • Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP) should conclude with “LLP.”
  • Section 8 Companies aimed at non-profit goals typically use terms like “Trust,” “Society,” or “Council” in their names.
  • Public Limited Companies must end their names with “Limited.”
  • Producer Companies focused on agricultural activities should use “Producer Company Limited” at the end of their names.

What Not to Include: Company Naming Don’ts

When you’re thinking about what to name your company in India, there are some things you should avoid. Here’s a simple list of what not to do:

  • No Government Connections: Only make it seem like the government is involved with your company if you have permission.
  • Stay Away from Illegal Stuff: Don’t use words that suggest you’re doing anything against the law.
  • Don’t Mislead People: Make sure your name doesn’t trick people into thinking your business does something it doesn’t.
  • Respect Other People’s Ideas: Don’t copy names or ideas that belong to someone else.
  • Be Fair: Make sure your name doesn’t step on anyone else’s rights.

By avoiding these things, you will be on the right track to picking a name that’s honest, unique, and respectful of the rules.

Guidelines for Selecting the Ideal Company Name

Knowing about how to check company name availability in India is a critical decision that requires careful consideration. Here are some essential tips to guide you through the process:

  • Comprehensive Company Name Search: Verify that your preferred name is not already taken by another business or trademarked. Utilise our easy-to-use name search tool to confirm availability.
  • Domain Name Consideration: Ensure your chosen name is available as a domain for your business’s online presence.
  • Ease of Recall and Pronunciation: Choose a name that is easy to remember and pronounce, making it easier for customers to find and remember your business.
  • Industry Relevance: Make sure your company name reflects the nature of your business and industry.
  • Appeal to Your Target Audience: The name should connect with your target demographic, building trust and credibility.
  • Legal Conformity: Your company name must comply with legal requirements, avoid similarities with existing company names or trademarks, and steer clear of restricted terms.
  • Cultural and Linguistic Consideration: Ensure the name is culturally sensitive and meaningful across the languages and regions where you intend to operate.

By adhering to these guidelines on how to check company name availability in India, you can choose a company name that legally complies and effectively communicates your brand’s essence to your target market.

Securing Approval for Your Company Name from MCA In India

Obtaining approval for your company’s name from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) is crucial in setting up your business. This approval process is designed to ensure that the name you select for your company is unique and adheres to the legal standards set by the MCA.

Under the Companies Act of 2013, every company in India must have a name that is not only distinct from that of existing companies but also in compliance with all legal norms. The name approval process by the MCA is thorough, verifying that your desired name is not in use, too similar to another entity’s name, or in infringement of any trademarks or regulations.

Reserve a company name – Reserve Unique Name (RUN)

Entrepreneurs can reserve a company name early in the business planning stages to protect it from anyone else who may want to own it for themselves.

Reserve Unique Name (RUN) is a web service that allows entrepreneurs to reserve or alter their business names. It assists you in determining whether or not the company name is distinctive.

Requirements to reserve the name through RUN

Anyone with an MCA login can quickly secure a company name for up to 20 days by applying on the MCA portal.

Formulation of Company Name

The governing law establishes a set of guidelines for naming a business. Names must follow the rules to be approved by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). There must be three elements to the Company’s unique character.

  • A one-of-a-kind or unique term;
  • Any Suffix;
  • Public or Private Limited,

Checking Company Name Availability

After the formulation of a company name, The next step an entrepreneur should do is to check whether the chosen name is available in MCA Database and is not currently being used by someone else. Checking the company name availability is essential to avoid rejection

Procedure to Reserve Company Name

  1. Login to MCA Portal

Only registered users of the MCA portal can file the company name application.

  • Filing of Web-Based Application – Companies can apply for the following e-forms.
  • Private Limited Companies: The company name reservation for PLC companies are classified into two parts:
  1. For the Incorporation of a new company: a Part A of the Spice+ form can be filed to make a reservation of the company name.
  2. For a change in name for an existing company, you must file a RUN Form
  3. For Limited Liability Partnership: To reserve a company name, you must file the RUNLLP form.

This classification is made to make Reserving a name easier for everyone.

  • Payment of Government Fees

The fee charged by the MCA for verifying and approving a name approval application made using the RUN form is Rs.1000 and for a Limited Liability Partnership is Rs. 200.

  • Payment of Fee

The average time the Government takes to process a RUN name application is less than one day.

Note: If the name is applied along with the incorporation form – SPICE, then the additional fee for name approval will not be charged.

  • Approval of Name

The MCA will process the application in 2-3 working days. One can check the status of the company name MCA portal.

  • Validity of Reserved Company Name

The approved company name will be reserved for 20 days from the approval date. The applicant must file the Incorporation firm within such period. Otherwise, the name will get expired. 

  • Register as a Dormant Company to secure the company name

If you checked the company name availability, Kindly start the dormant company formations process to protect your company name

Dormant companies are simply companies that are not trading

You can feel confident about moving forward with your business plans once your Company has been registered and your company name has been secured. When you are ready to start a business, you can notify MCA, and they will record the company start date and generate the tax documents accordingly.

Can my company have the same name as another company?

No, your company cannot have the same name as another company. Once a Company or LLP is registered, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs will not allow any other Company or LLP to be registered with a similar name per the Companies Act, 2013. However, the business’s name can still be used by others if trademark registration is not obtained.

For instance, if ABC Technology Private Limited is a registered company, then ABC Technology LLP cannot be registered. However, the word ABC Technology can still be used as a brand name for the software. Registration of a Company or LLP protects registration of another Company or LLP with a similar or identical name only. Hence, it is recommended that the business name also be trademarked.

Companies Act 2013 mandates that a company name should not be similar or identical to a registered trademark. Therefore, any Entrepreneur having a unique business name idea can get the brand name registered to prevent the registration of a company or LLP with a similar or identical name.

The consequence of using a company name that already exists

If there is already another company using a similar name to the one you want, you may still be able to use it if you can show that it will be apparent to the marketplace. This usually comes down to whether the goods or services the two companies offer are similar enough that consumers may believe they’re the same business. 

However, if you’re trying to register a name that’s too similar to an existing company’s, you may face some problems. The other business could file an objection with the state or sue you for trademark infringement. To avoid potential legal headaches, choosing a unique and easily distinguishable name for your company is best.

Procedure to check Company Name Availability

If you want to check if the company name you want is already taken, there are a few steps you can follow.

  • First, try searching for the company name on the  MCA Website. If the company name is already taken, it will be listed on the website.


Ensuring the uniqueness and availability of your company name is a vital step in establishing a successful business in India. By conducting a thorough name search through the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), you safeguard your brand from legal disputes and set a solid foundation for your business identity. Remember, a unique name not only enhances your brand’s visibility but also helps in building trust and credibility with your audience.

Utilize tools like the Reserve Unique Name (RUN) service to secure your desired name early in the planning stages. Follow the legal guidelines set by the Companies Act 2013, avoid restricted terms, and ensure your name is easy to remember and pronounce. Additionally, consider your digital presence by checking the availability of a corresponding domain name.

By taking these steps, you’ll ensure that your business name is distinctive, legally sound, and ready to make a positive impact in the competitive market. So, embark on your entrepreneurial journey with confidence, knowing that your brand identity is well-protected and primed for success.

FAQs:  on Checking Company Name Availability in India

1. Why is choosing a unique company name important for my business?

A unique company name is crucial as it distinguishes your business from others, helps build a distinct brand identity, avoids legal issues related to trademark infringement, and enhances your brand’s visibility and appeal to customers.

2. What is the first step in verifying the availability of a company name in India?

The first step is to conduct a company name search through the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) portal to check if the proposed name is already in use or too similar to existing names.

3. How does a company name search help in avoiding legal disputes?

 A company name search helps identify any potential conflicts with existing trademarks or company names, ensuring that your chosen name does not infringe on intellectual property rights, thereby avoiding legal disputes.

4. Can I reserve a company name before completing the entire registration process?

 Yes, you can reserve a company name early in the business planning stages using the Reserve Unique Name (RUN) service provided by the MCA, which secures the name for a specified period.

5. What are the legal guidelines for naming a company in India?

The chosen name must be unique, not identical or too similar to existing company names or trademarks, and must comply with the legal guidelines set by the Companies Act 2013, avoiding prohibited or restricted terms.

6. What are some examples of restricted terms that cannot be used in a company name?

Restricted terms include those that suggest government involvement without permission, imply illegal activities, or are offensive, deceptive, or in violation of societal norms.

7. How can I ensure my company name is easy to remember and pronounce?

Choose a name that is simple, clear, and phonetically easy to pronounce. Avoid using complex words or unusual spellings that may confuse customers.

8. Is it necessary to check the availability of a domain name for my business?

Yes, it is important to check if the chosen company name is available as a domain name for your business’s online presence, which is essential for digital marketing and establishing a strong online identity.

9. What is the process for obtaining MCA approval for a company name?

The process involves submitting a name approval application through the MCA portal, paying the required fee, and waiting for the MCA to review and approve the name, ensuring it meets all legal requirements.

10. How long is a reserved company name valid in India?

Once approved by the MCA, the reserved company name is valid for 20 days. The applicant must complete the incorporation process within this period to avoid expiration of the reservation.

11. What should I do if my chosen company name is already in use?

If your chosen name is already in use, you will need to come up with an alternative name. Conduct another name search to ensure the new name is unique and compliant with MCA guidelines.

12. Can a company name be changed after registration?

Yes, a company name can be changed after registration by filing the necessary forms with the MCA and obtaining approval. However, this process involves additional steps and fees.

13. What is the difference between a company name and a trademark?

A company name is the legal name under which a business operates, registered with the MCA. A trademark is a brand name or logo registered to protect the brand identity and intellectual property of a business.

14. How does a comprehensive business name search report benefit entrepreneurs?

A comprehensive business name search report provides detailed analysis and verification of the proposed name against MCA and trademark databases, ensuring it is unique and legally compliant, helping entrepreneurs make informed decisions.

15. Can I use the same company name as another business if it operates in a different industry?

No, even if the other business operates in a different industry, the name should not be identical or misleadingly similar to avoid confusion and potential legal issues.

16. What are the consequences of using a company name that infringes on an existing trademark?

Using a company name that infringes on an existing trademark can lead to legal disputes, including injunctions, fines, and the requirement to change the company name, which can be costly and damaging to your brand’s reputation.

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